I would like to nominate my mom for the Human Procrastinator of the Year Award. O.K., this is what happened. Everyone knows that I am the primary writer of my blog, occasionally allowing Tommy a comment, but it is my mom who puts up the pictures like this one below.

Well, back around Independence Day, my friends Ariel and Trixie nominated me for a "
Rockin' Girl Award" and I was all excited but mom was very busy that week and said we'd post the bright pink insignia over the weekend. Well, then that was the weekend my best
woofie friend went to the rainbow bridge and we were both sad...then when mom didn't know quite how to get the insignia from photo bucket and so she put it off and forgot.
Then, more recently
Kimo and
Sabi nominated me for a Schmoozing award. Well, what's your excuse this time mom? Stressed out at work again?
Forget the insignias. I want to let you know that I was and am delighted to receive the
Rockin Girl Award and the Schmoozing Award. Thank you Ariel and Trixie for the
RGA one and Thank you
Kimo and
Sabi for the Schmoozing Award.
I will try to get my mom more punctual in the future. We all just love reading the other blogs and commenting and having fun. Have a wonderful rest of your week.