Good morning everyone. Tommy here.
Shilgiah said I could post today because of my adventures yesterday. I didn't need to have anything fixed and I'm not sick so this is what happened.

Yesterday while I was napping in my favorite chair in the study, mom came in petted me and kissed me on the head and told me what a sweet boy I am. Nothing unusual there. She frequently does this sort of thing. Then she picked me up hugged me and put my face and front paws into the front of the cat carrier. This was unusual. I have only been in this cat carrier one other time a year ago when I first found my mom and she took me to a place where they shot me and took my temperature and poked around on my tummy and then gave me awful tasting stuff that made me foam at the mouth and drool for awhile! So, you can imagine that I was not really thrilled with returning to that carrier. Finally, I went in and my mom carried me down to the car and we began driving somewhere.
It took ten hours to get there but mom said it was ten minutes. Being a brave boy, I didn't let on how scared I was but in no uncertain terms I yelled at the top of my lungs for mom to take me back home! Mom told me it was going to be O.K. and that I would meet Dr. Jeff who was
Shilgiah's vet. Last year, Mom had taken me to an A
nimal Hospital which is very close but she said that we should both have the same vet now that I was her Forever Big Boy. Mom told me on the way the see Dr. Jeff that I would be getting booster shots but she didn't think Dr. Jeff would give me icky tasting stuff that would make me foam or drool.
We finally got to Dr. Jeff's Cat Fix-It-Place (mom says he fixes
woofies too) and then a deep voiced person said they were ready for me. First they weighed me in my cage and then they subtract the 4 pounds the cage weighs to get my weight I didn't want to come out of my cage so mom and Dr. Jeff talked to me for a little and I came out. I tried not to act nervous but I really was scared. I got booster shots and then while Dr. Jeff petted me he talked with mom and said I weigh 20 pounds and we needed to begin a diet! Dr. Jeff says when big boys like me get too big there is the worry that they may get diabetes so Dr. Jeff and mom discussed the options and I heard her say that both me and
Shilgiah need to lose some weight so we would both be on the diet. At least I don't have to do this alone.
When I got home, I was pretty tired from the excitement and all and mom said that both
Shilgiah and I would begin having only canned food. She reassured us that we wouldn't starve and that we can have as much canned food as we want twice a day within reason. What does "within reason" mean? So, no more of the really good tasting
Evo crunchy food but lots of the really good "Mac and Jack" (
Mackerel and
SkipJack) which comes from the same healthy cat food place mom got the
Mom got up at five this morning without too much prompting to give us morning Mac and Jack and I ate a half a can but
Shilgiah only wanted about a third of a can.
Have any of you cats been on diets? Please tell me about them. I could use all the advice I can get. Thanks.