Hi everyone, this is Tommy and I want to tell you about an awful thing my mom did to me. She called it time out! It is very very bad! She got mad because I was just putting
Shilgiah in her place and letting her know who is (or at least should be) the boss around here. How I do this is by kind of meowing loud and coming up to her and biting her on the back. It's a game called "Say Uncle". Now, it's important to know I don't break any skin. I just put my
teethies around the fur near her neck and just stand there until she cries "uncle". Of course, all my mom hears is
Shilgiah's pitiful kitty cry. So mom got really mad and said it was time for me to go on a time out.

So, she put me in the bedroom and closed the door. I could feel under the door and
Shilgiah came up and told me she was sorry she made such a ruckus about my playing "Say Uncle". Finally, mom opened the door and asked if I was ready to be a good kitty.

I'm not sure...I think I may need to stay here for awhile longer.