Hi my furry friends! This is
Shilgiah and I am feeling great! I am all better and only had to have two doses of the chicken flavored medicine before my appetite came back.
Anyway, in honor of my appetite coming back I thought I would share my mom's favorite supper she likes to make for friends or even just for herself. First, we have chicken! This is no ordinary chicken!

This is chicken that is made as follows: take skinless boneless breast of chicken (in this picture it is chicken breast cut into three pieces each (sometimes called "chicken tenders"). Use three spices--tarragon, garlic powder (or garlic salt if you prefer) and paprika (the red looking hue to the chicken). Saute in butter (or olive oil or
parve margarine)...do this on each side until it's kind of golden. Then add 3/4 cup of white wine and when it begins to boil turn the temp down to simmer. Put the lid on and go visit with your guests or your cats for about 30 to 45 minutes (a little longer if it's not the chicken breasts cut into smaller pieces). Then...

when the chicken is almost done, turn the burner on under the asparagus and steam it for a few minutes until it is
al dente (or really soggy if you prefer). Then, when everything is ready...

tell Tommy he is not supposed to be sitting at the table.
When mom made this wonderful dinner, she told Tommy to get down from the table...he did...but then when she put the chicken and asparagus on her plate and turned around for a minute he grabbed one of the small chicken pieces, jumped down and when mom turned back around she found him eating the chicken on the floor! She was
NOT happy! She had to use the "throw-up bar towels" to clean the mess Tommy made getting the chicken off the plate and down on the floor and dragging it over to a nice
nomming spot.
Needless to say, mom learned a very important cooking lesson...never avert your gaze when there is chicken on a plate!