On the way home from having breakfast with Aunt A this morning mom stopped and bought me a special present. See!! It's fresh nip! Mmmmmm...Nom, Nom, Nom. I'll share some with Tommy and Hope later...maybe.
I love my brother Tommy, and he tries to be a helper whenever he can. Mom had brought some work home and Tommy thought he should emphasize what is much more important than work. Petting us and playing with us and feeding us of course! Here is Tommy cleverly getting mom to take a break from working by sitting on the papers she brought home. It worked! Good job bro!
Hi...Hope here. Everybody else in the family seems too lazy to blog so I thought I'd at least post a picture of my gorgeous self for you all to see. When this was taken I was actually deep in thought but that flashy thing made me forget what I was thinking...but I think it was something profound.
I'm a very beautiful and smart white kitty who is attempting to train her adoptive mother. My brother Tommy helps me as much as he can...when he's not annoying me.