Monday, April 16, 2007

Lazy Weekend

Mostly I just laid around this weekend. Sunspots were abundant and I just felt like snoozing and occasionally just thinking deep kitty thoughts. Tommy wanted to play chase a couple of times. The baby birds are still being lazy too cuz they haven't poked their little heads out yet but the momma and dad are increasing their visits to the nest so I think they may be trying to fatten the babies up so they will get strong enough to fly away to the trees soon. Hope everybody had a good weekend.

Deep kitty thoughts


Daisy said...

Shilgiah, I love lazy weekends of laying in the sun, just like you!

Shaggy and Scout said...

You look like you are totally in the land of deep thoughts! Too much thinking hurts my brain.-Scooby

Lux said...

We mostly did the same thing, Shilgiah, at least we cats did.