Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy Hope

Hi! Hope Here...It's my turn to blog today and I have a lot to tell you!

As most of you know, I used to be semi-feral. I'm not sure what that means but Shilgiah told me it means I had to grow myself up and didn't have very many people or cats I could count on. But now, since I found my true and forever mom on January 20th 2009, I have a forever home and I am becoming quite socially adept. I've learned to play with my siblings without hissing very much and also I know how to play alone when they are busy snoozing.

The biggest news is that for the past 10 days I have been given nighttime privileges in the whole house! Used to be, I felt more secure being alone in my study at nighttime but on Friday the 31st of July mom asked if I wanted to try to stay together with Tommy, Shilgiah and her and I nodded and made myself comfy on the bed. It was fun being out with Tommy and Shilgiah. Sometimes they would play chase in the middle of the night but I, being the good girl of the family, didn't want to wake mom up so I would just watch...wink,wink. Then, last Sunday morning I almost got blamed for this!!!

Alright! Hope did you knock this down playing chase with your brother and sister?

Now Mom, how could I possibly knock down that vase with the good tasting leaves in it? I'm much too little. Perhaps you should inquire of my big (20lb) brother. He might have some ideas.

Then, I gave mom my best cutest sweet princess expression and purred. Whew! got away with that one...heeheehee.

I am such a happy little girl. And...I am a princess too...just like my big sister Shilgiah!


Ivan from WMD said...

Hope, you are a little cutie. I know you could have never knocked anything over, let alone that vase. As a matter of fact, I doubt Tommy did either. It was probably Russell.

Parker said...

I'm pretty sure Rudy came over and did that!

The Monkeys said...

Great job, Hope! There's no way they're going to believe you're responsible for that with such a cute pose

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Hope, you are so cute. we is happy you feels comfortable staying out wif Tommy and Shilgiah at night!!

Daisy said...

Hope, your post made me feel real happy! I am so glad you are doing so well, and are enjoying staying out with Tommy and Shilgiah!

Anonymous said...

Hope you certainly are a Princess! We know that you didn't knock over the good tasting flower vase.

Mr. Hendrix said...

aw, you are way to cute to do something like that! look at that innocent face. i think the plant decided it wanted to be on the floor all by itself. that happens here too.

i am glad you're settling into your forever home. isn't it wonderful to have one? i was a feral too so i know how hard it is.

The Island Cats said...

Hi Hope! I'm semi-feral like you, but unlike you, even after a whole year of living inside now, I haven't learned how to properly play with the other kitties in the house. Well, Ernie is okay...but that big orange stripey cat scares me and I feel like I just hafta get him! I think I need to take a few lessons from you on how to play with the other kitties...

Cliff and Olivia said...

That's so great Hope!

Of course you didn't knock that plant over ;-)