I am really really mad! William tagged me and mom promised that she would help me post the three things and the links on Sunday. My sister even reminded her how much I wanted to do this and that she should take time out of her schedule to make sure I got to do it. I waited very patiently while mom did all her supposedly important tasks yesterday. Then after supper mom got out the noisy-
sucky machine and then the turkey duster and then she went into a cleaning frenzy and cleaned the bathroom, kitchen, and kept going till the whole house was clean. I got tired
snoopervising and took a nap. Next thing I know it's all dark and mom is in bed. I told her she forgot to let me do the tag William had given me but she was almost asleep and said we'd have to do it another time! I am really mad!
I'm going to give mom the back of disrespect until she lets me do what she promised.
You are very, very right to give the Back of Disrespect!
That's a great way to show your displeasure - I hope it works!
I don't blame you one little bit!
Maybe your mom needs a "love nip."
That always works around here.
Have you considered interviewing for a new secretary? That should bring your Mom into line very quickly!
Oh, yes, she earned the "fuzzy shoulder"! Where ARE her priorities?
By the way, isn't that plant a Sheffalera? My woman has one, but it's much smaller and leggy. That one is much nicer; great for playing jungle cat.
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