Monday, June 18, 2007


I was thinking about when Tommy and I first met. Well, I had been reading Henry Helton's blog and he let his new brother Clyde blog and tell his story. So that got me thinking about when Tommy first came. Well, he had to be in isolation in the study for two weeks because he had some nasty germs that he might give me. Then we got to meet face to face.

Well, as you can tell I wasn't too thrilled that he had invaded my space but soon I realized how much fun it was to have him around. The first thing he taught me was how to take off our collars in less than 10 seconds. After about a week mom gave up and let us be without collars. It's much more fun without collars cuz I can sneak up on Tommy and pounce.


Anonymous said...

Hi Shilgiah, Yore pikshur looks like you haff your mean teeth out. Sometimes we likes to haff our mean teeth out too, specially with interlopers, I mean new brofurs or sisfurs.

Daisy said...

Shilgiah, you are making a hissy face! Good going! It is hard to get used to a new brother or sister.

I never heard it called mean teeth. I like that.

Ivan from WMD said...

Are you sure he didn't tell you something really funny?

Unknown said...

I'm glad that you learned to get along with your new brother. I hope Clyde and I learn to get along better. I still like to show him my mean teeth as well (I like that saying too). Thanks for meowing about me in your blog! That was so much fun to read!

Mr. Hendrix said...

ha ha ha that is funny. Sisters and brother often act like that but you're right, you can learn alot from each other.

Twizzler, Jack, Fwankwin, and Gracie said...

You do look quite fur-o-cious in that picture!

'dopted brothers can be fun - just gotta let 'em know who's boss!