Pretty flowers to make mom better and we didn't even try to eat them.
Last week Rabbie Burns tagged me to do a fun meme. Here is how it works:
1. Your Rock Star Name (favorite stuffie + tail characteristic)
D.K. Stumpy
2. Gangster Name (favorite toy filler + favorite cookie)
Nip Animal Cracker
3. Detective Name (favorite color + favorite animal species)
Lavender Bird
4. Star Wars Name (Pick 2 letters of first name + 3 letters of last name)
5. Super Hero Name (2nd favorite color + favorite drink)
Periwinkle Tuna Juice
6. Nascar Name (grandfathers names)
Unk Unk
7. Stripper Name (Favorite scent + favorite treat)
Salmon Temptations
8. Witness Protection Name (Mother and Fathers middle names)
Unk Unk
9. Spy Name (favorite season/holiday/flower)
Winter Festivus Daisy
10. Cartoon Name (favorite fruit + article of clothing + "ie" or "y")
11. Hippy Name (favorite breakfast + favorite plant)
Fancy Feast Kitty Grass
12. Your Rock Star Tour Name ("The" + your favorite hobby + favorite weather element + "Tour")
The Pouncing Snow Storm Tour
That was really fun. Since it has been so long since I first received this meme I'm not sure who hasn't been tagged yet...so if you are reading this and want to play and haven't...you are officially tagged.